Thursday, July 31, 2014

Shooting up the place...

I'm sitting in the waiting room at the Marion County Health Department waiting to have a vaccine. I really don't like having vaccines, especially ones I've already had. But my green card application requires me to have a list of vaccines and unfortunately I have no vaccination record from when I was 13 and had the MMR shot at school. I had a TDAP vaccination two days ago and that really made me feel body doesn't enjoy poison. My hope is that this one doesn't do the same thing coz this girls got shit to do today. 

This is just one step in the whole green card process that started with paying $3600 to my lawyer last month. If you ever hear anyone in the US complaining that immigration is too easy please, on my behalf, tell them it ain't so. Not only are there huge costs involved but mountains of paperwork, photos, bank statements, letters from friends proving our relationship, a bazillion passport photos..and lots of needles. 

I am finding solace, as I sit here surrounded by masses of school aged children waiting for their shots, in my ABC and my pretty blue nails.

Oh dear, I sounded so girlie then. It must be the vaccine...
